Answered By: Helen Lee
Last Updated: Sep 04, 2024     Views: 102

Please note database vendors grant that database access rights to graduates. Unfortunately, CNKI does not permit remote access beyond current HKBU students and staff. For more details about the list of eligible e-resources for graduates, please refer to this page:

However, you may consider the following alternatives to gain access to CNKI:

  1. Apply for the Graduate Service Package with borrowing privileges. This package allows you to enter the Library in person and use our public workstations to access most of our subscribed e-resources. To apply for the package with borrowing privileges, please visit our service page.
  2. CNKI offers an individual user service that is charged by page: CNKI Individual User Service

Alternative to CNKI

For graduates who wish to access Chinese journals, the Graduates Service Package with remote e-resources includes access to China Online Journals (中國學術期刊數據庫), a database provided by Wangfang Data. The Library subscribes to the Medicine & Health Sciences and Fundamental Sciences subjects in China Online Journals. The Medicine & Health Sciences subject covers areas such as Chinese medicine, preclinical medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, and paediatrics; the Fundamental Sciences subject covers areas such as mathematics, mechanics, and physics.